Our work. Our impact.
The Success and Impact of the 7th Annual
A Night for Scott - Solid Gold for Scott
Hundreds of people joined forces at The 7th Annual A Night for Scott to celebrate "Solid Gold for Scott" and the life of Scott Zebrowski. The event raises money to provide scholarships and support education about Substance Use Disorder. Click here to read the news coverage of this event.
Sharing Stories of Impact at the 7th Annual A Night for Scott
DEA Administrator Jon DeLena
Peer Recovery Specialist Joy Bogese
2ETS Founder Jill Cichowicz Appointed to Governor's Council on Substance Abuse Services

Governor Youngkin's Substance Abuse Council is charged with making recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and to coordinate agency programs and activities. Learn more here.
3rd Annual Fairways for Scott "Huge Success"
2ETS Founder Jill Cichowicz honored as one of 12 "Women Who Drive Richmond" by the Richmond Times Dispatch.

In March, 2 End the Stigma founder and president, Jill Cichowicz was honored by the Richmond Times Dispatch as only one of 12 "Women Who Drive Richmond" for her "tireless efforts to bring hope, light, and awareness to one of the most important causes of our time."

2 End the Stigma participates in Teen Summit RVA 2023

Founder Jill Cichowicz, with volunteer help from our community partner, REAL Life, debuted the 2 End the Stigma Emotion Wheel to hundreds of participants at the 2023 Teen Summit RVA at the Richmond Convention Center in March. The Emotion Wheel helps individuals better understand how to better identify their feelings.

In November 2022, Jill Cichowicz together with 2 End The Stigma Board members presented a donation check to Justin Savoy and his team at the Chesterfield Recovery High School (left) and to Tom Bannard, RAMS in Recovery and his team (right).
The Scott Zebrowski Recovery House
On June 24th, 2019 the McShin Foundation dedicated one of their men's program houses in memory of Scott Zebrowski to recognize of the amazing work his family has done for the recovery community. Since the dedication, more than 100 men have gone through the program to reach sobriety.
It is through programs such as this one, that 2 End The Stigma is able to keep Scott’s memory alive.
(Click the photo to watch the video of the event.)